Ling is my husband’s cat. When we met, I had a cat and a dog. My cat was a male tabby named Eldon, who succumbed to cancer four years ago. My husband had never been around cats and thought he didn’t care for them – until he met Eldon. Eldon had such a cool personality, he soon convinced my husband that cats weren’t so bad after all. Hubby decided he wanted his ‘own’ cat and besides, Eldon needed a playmate, so we went to Petsmart to look at the cats available for adoption. He fell in love with Ling as soon as he saw her. She had just been spayed and we thought that was why she didn’t like to be held. But ten years later, she’s still that way. She has an aloof personality, but does like to be petted and brushed…as long as it’s on her terms. She will jump in your lap to be petted, or paw your leg and ask to be scratched under the chin. When she is displeased, she isn’t shy about letting you know. That’s where we got her name – she reminded us of the character named “Ling” played by Lucy Liu on “Ally McBeal”. Beautiful and serene, but if you cross her she turns into a snarling dragon.
Ling pretends to be sophisticated and ladylike, but she isn’t above rummaging through wastebaskets…

And she can’t resist boxes…

This is what she thinks of the kittens…

Ling never did play with Eldon much. I think she thought he was 'beneath' her.